Vary cool! I love this type of stuff :D You and DJ-Immune man! Ya! Keep it up! I love it. Review Passionate Playing if you please :P
The ending... wasn't too shabby. Though i don't think a quiet cut off worked with this song. And actually, before that heavey bassdrum drop at the end, it sounded like a... crap what's that called... not a transition but a build up point, or a soft point where it sort of changes into something else before it gets good again... right... that's what it sounded like... if I remeber the name I'll PM ya or something :P (not a chorus, verse? nope... darnit!)
Though, ending it with a piano was the best idea if you were... I think this one can go on longer... or maybe I'm listening to too much DJ-Imune... his are t3h like 8 min :P
I really really enjoyed it!
Keep it REaL,
10/10 5/5 [4.02 / 5.00 (+ 0.14)]